
Ribdung-Jaleswori Education Foundation

Founding Memory

Founding Memory

Establishment of Ribhung-jaleswori Education Foundation (REF) was initial idea of three members (Mr. Jailab Kumar Rai in Kathmandu, Mr. Yan Bahadur Rai in USA, and Mr. Tankaram Rai in UK) who were born, grown up and received primary education from the school of this village (Shree Simle School). Previously germinated idea of establishing a foundation for social development work in the birth place (Ribdung-Jaleswori village) from distance was materialized when the Seed-Fund collection for the school was started. The founding members of REF are:

Jailab Kumar Rai

Jaleshwori , Khotang

Tankaram Rai

Jaleshwori , Khotang

Yan Bahadur Rai

Jaleshwori , Khotang